Geoff Gannon November 5, 2007

Interesting Items for Monday, November 05, 2007

I’ve reorganized the site. You can now browse all of the past 20 Questions interviews by clicking on the “Interviews” link on the right side of your screen.

If you’re an investing blogger interested in answering these 20 questions, send me an email.

I’m also open to doing occasional email interviews with others who want to get themselves in front of an audience interested in investing generally and value investing especially. So, if you’re the author of an investing book, the creator of an investment website, etc. feel free to email me to request an interview.

My conditions for all interviews are simple: They are conducted by email. I provide the questions; you provide the answers. We both get a veto on the final product. At any time, I can choose not to run the interview – however, you have my word that if I run it, I will run it in full exactly as I last showed it to you. I may decide not to put you out there for a variety of reasons (usually the direct result of an overly promotional or uninteresting interview subject); but, if I do put you out there, I won’t make you look like a fool or put my words in your mouth.

If you’d like to be interviewed, send me an email.

George of Fat Pitch Financials and Value Investing News interviews Vitaliy Katsenelson, author of Active Value InvestingRead the interview.

Cheap Stocks is Losing Patience With Tootsie Roll.

Fat Pitch Financials updates the performance of its Special Situations Real Money Portfolio. Since inception, the portfolio has achieved an annualized return of 25.4%.

Tom Brokaw interviewed Warren Buffett. Watch the full interview.
