Geoff Gannon March 17, 2007

Survey: Annual Total Return From S&P; 500 Over Next Ten Years

What annual total return do you expect from the S&P; 500 over the next ten years? That’s the question being asked in the poll on the right of your screen. It’s not an ad. In fact, it’s part of the wider discussion on market valuations and future returns I began in my normalized P/E series.

For now, I’m conducting a survey of investing blog readers. You’re reading an investing blog (this one) so you qualify. Please take the time to answer the poll.

If you have an investing blog of your own, you can copy the poll and present it on your own site. The more diverse the places the poll is presented, the better the results will be.

I’m not looking for accurate predictions here. I’m just looking for honest expectations. There are no wrong answers; so, there’s no reason to be influenced by how others have voted.

I’ll incorporate the results of this survey (and another related survey) into some of my future posts.
