Geoff Gannon May 17, 2006

Value Investing Directory: Submissions

The Value Investing Directory is always looking for new submissions. If you know of any good sites you would like to see included please follow the directions below:

To submit a site for inclusion in the Value Investing Directory please send an email to with the site’s URL. All submissions will be evaluated within 48 hours.

Prospective sites are evaluated on the basis of utility alone; neither reciprocal links nor payment is required. Linking to the Value Investing Directory (or any other part of the Gannon On Investing website) will not affect the evaluation process.

If you would like to propose a new category, request a change to your site’s listing, or request the removal of any site, please send an email to All reasonable requests will be considered; however, I reserve the right to list and describe sites in whatever manner I deem to be most useful.
