Geoff Gannon July 13, 2006

Conclusion of Charlie Rose’s Series on Warren Buffett

The third and final part of the Charlie Rose Show’s series on Warren Buffett aired last night. You can view all three hours (which aired on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week) at Google Video.

On a related topic, I just noticed a USA Today article that noted Charlie Rose is also working on a documentary about Buffett. I hadn’t heard anything about that before.

Anyway, the series is (like most of Charlie’s interviews) much more satisfying than the average television piece. However, the series is not a study of Buffett’s investment record or the philosophy that helped him achieve those results. It’s about Buffett the man.

Of course, some of the questions can’t help but lead into topics that are closely related to the investment area, because that is his life’s work. For instance, the interview with Buffett and Gates together touches on investing more than you might expect, because they discuss the way Buffett thinks – including why he hasn’t invested in Microsoft.

If you’re interested in Buffett, you’ll enjoy the series. However, if you’re looking for a discussion of investing that gets into real specifics, you may be disappointed.

I enjoyed the series very much. It’s the sort of thing that may work even better if you watch it online when you have the time to spare.

It’s a leisurely affair. You have to be open to the idea that you’ll be taking in bits and pieces about the man over a few hours, rather than hearing him answer questions about Berkshire’s future, the latest acquisition, etc. one after the other. That’s not really how Rose works normally – and because this series was forged from a series of interviews, there is even less immediacy than usual.


Visit Google Video: The Charlie Rose Show
