Geoff Gannon September 8, 2006

Festival of Stocks Launch

Fat Pitch Financials recently announced it will host the first edition of a new Festival of Stocks on Monday:

“The Festival of Stocks will be a blog carnival dedicated to highlighting bloggers’ best recent posts on stock market related topics. This will include research and commentary on specific stocks, industry analysis, ETFs, REITs, stock derivatives, and other related topics.”

I think this is a great idea and have agreed to host a future edition of the Festival of Stocks on this blog (see schedule).

I hope readers will visit Fat Pitch Financials on Monday for the Festival’s first edition and be back here for week two.

Hosting the Festival

For those with their own investing blogs, see the announcement at Fat Pitch Financials for details on how you can host an upcoming edition of the Festival. To give you an idea of what hosting entails, here’s an excerpt from the announcement:

“The Festival of Stocks will be different from other blog carnivals in that I encourage hosts to be selective in the post links they include and to limit the number of posts included (up to the discretion of the host) to about twenty stories in order to cut down on the burden of hosting and to keep the carnivals readable and not overwhelming. I will be introducing a mechanism to help hosts rank submissions and I will also be creating an optional Excel template to help make the Festival of Stocks post easier to create. Hopefully, these features will make it easy to host and make the Festival of Stocks enjoyable to read.”

By the way, I’ll be contributing to the Festival, so if you have any suggestions on what my best recent post is, feel free to sound off by clicking the “comments” link below.

Read The Festival of Stocks Launch Announcement

See The Festival of Stocks Host Schedule

Visit Fat Pitch Financials
