Geoff Gannon April 3, 2006

New Contributing Writer: Mike Price

In an effort to offer more content (and more variety) Gannon On Investing has taken on its first Contributing Writer. Mike Price is a fifteen year-old value investor who currently writes his own blog. Some of you may have seen his work featured at other value investing sites.

Mike’s first featured piece is a review of Jim Cramer’s Confessions of a Street Addict. He originally wrote this review for his own blog. In the future, his reviews will appear here first. But, I wanted to give you a taste of what to expect. Over the next week or two, I hope to take a little time to properly introduce Mike on this blog and in my podcast. However, I thought the best introduction would be one of Mike’s own pieces.

Read Mike’s Review of Jim Cramer’s Confessions of a Street Addict


Contributing Writers Wanted

The site is looking to take on other Contributing Writers. These aren’t full-time positions. In fact, contributing writers aren’t paid for their time; they’re paid for their contributions – hence the “contributing” part. In the future, I may consider adding an Associate Writer position, but nothing like that is currently available.

A contributing writer should have a keen interest in investing, but doesn’t have to be a particularly competent investor himself (or herself!). For the most part, I’m looking for contributions that complement the main blog. I can handle the topics you see covered on this blog; and, in fact, would prefer to do so.

The site is called “Gannon On Investing”, so you should know what you’re getting into. You’ll have to live with my edits. I will edit what you write and may do so quite heavily – some of the edits will appear arbitrary, but there are quality considerations behind all of them.

I’m more interested in finding someone who is passionate about investing and can provide compelling content than I am in finding a good writer with no real love for investing. I can work with a mediocre writer, if everything else is there.

You don’t need to be naturally gifted; you just need to be able to write clearly about a single subject for an extended period. The writing I’m looking for is longer than most of the stuff you see on the internet. It should also be better than most online writing, but it doesn’t have to sound like print writing.

I don’t pay well, but I do pay. I’ll need at least one relevant sample from you before we can talk. If you do get the Contributing Writer title, you’ll have a hyperlinked byline and resource box in every article you write in addition to the pittance you’ll be paid. Actually, the pay will increase with the quality and frequency of your output, but I can promise it will be ridiculously low for the first couple articles.

Writers that can cover a particular topic are especially welcome.

Mike will be writing book reviews for the site. This is an area I would love to do more in, but I’m a bit stretched and feel my time is better spent on the blog. Mike’s pieces will add to the site without directly clashing with my own writing.

His stuff won’t appear on the main blog. From time to time, there may be exceptions to this rule – but, not many. Generally, I’m looking for content that adds to the subject matter without changing the feel of the site. That’s why writers who can cover a niche would be most useful.

I’m not ceding any territory here. For instance, I’ll still talk about a few select value investing books in my podcast. I’ll also write a few book reviews, but I can’t possibly cover all the investment books that might be worth reading. That’s where contributors like Mike come in.

If you’re interested in becoming a Contributing Writer please send an email to [email protected]

One final note: Individuals who write their own blogs are welcome to become contributors, but I’m looking for original content. I need to run it here first. This isn’t an invitation to reprint your blog posts.
