Geoff Gannon June 19, 2012

Some Links You’ll Like

Geoff here.

I started this blog on Christmas Eve 2005. Back then, I used to link to things. I’d tell readers what interesting blogs were out there, etc.

I haven’t done that much lately. Mostly because of Twitter. If you aren’t following me on Twitter – you aren’t seeing links to the stuff I’m reading.

But sometimes a few interesting links pile up at once and I decide it’s worth mentioning them on the blog – not just on Twitter.

Today is one of those times.


Practice Truth, Fear Nothing – A Wall of Great Value Investing Posters

The creator of this site – Practice Truth, Fear Nothing – sent me a link to his “wall” of value investing and creative thinking/advertising. He’s in the advertising business. You may or may not like the stuff that applies to advertising. You’ll love that stuff that applies to value investing. Check it out.


Market Folly: Top Finance People to Follow on Twitter

Market Folly is a blog I always read. And I don’t talk about it enough on this site. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I read it. But if you just read this blog – you’d probably never know I read Market Folly.

Hopefully, this will change that. Twitter is a great resource for seeing what other value investors, bloggers, etc. are reading. Whenever I Tweet, there’s a link. I use it mostly to share reading material.

You can get a lot out of using Twitter for your investing. And you can start by following the folks on Market Folly’s list.


Interactive Investor Blog: A Must Read Blog Getting Even Better

I read Market Folly all the time. But I rarely talk about it on this blog. No idea why. I read Richard Beddard’s blog all the time. And I do talk about it on this blog. Again, no idea why one gets mentioned here all the time and the other doesn’t.

I hadn’t given it much thought until writing this post – when I thought about all the people who read this blog but don’t follow me on Twitter.

Anyway, Richard’s blog has been great for years. And I’ve been reading it for years. So I feel kind of silly recommending it over and over again.

That’s changed in the last year or so. Richard’s blog has been getting even better. One of my favorite features is Richard’s two minute drills. These are based on advice Peter Lynch gave.

Peter Lynch is underappreciated by value investors. Maybe his name is too well known or something. Maybe his advice is too simple. I don’t know. The guy always made sense to me.

Like Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch was especially good at thinking about how to think about stocks. He was good at knowing that it wasn’t enough to have the most info – you had to act right on the info you had.

Lynch was always really quick to admit when he did something dumb. There are plenty of confessions in his books. Especially about errors of omission. Stocks that were right under his nose that he never bought – or sold too soon.

Well, Richard’s been using one of Peter Lynch’s best techniques – the two minute drill. And it works wonderfully in blog form. Maybe I should try it.

I’d definitely like to see some other bloggers give it a whirl.

Even more recently, Richard has announced The Human Screen. He’s abandoning mechanical screening altogether for his Thrifty 30 portfolio.

This makes a lot of sense to me. Screens have their limits. And I love reading what Richard has to say about any stock. Casting a wider net is definitely something that will lead to some interesting posts.


Oddball Stocks: Some Wonderful Non Stock Specific Posts

Oddball Stocks is one of my favorite blogs. Nate excels in the analysis of specific stocks. He focuses on net-nets. But I don’t think that’s the limit of his analytical abilities at all.

I don’t usually think of Oddball Stocks as being a place where you get more…philosophical posts.

But Nate’s done a couple great ones lately:

Is it Worth Investing in Net-Nets?

The Investor as a Merchant or a Collector


European Stock Blog: Value and Opportunity

I mention U.K. blogs more than European blogs focused on countries on the continent. That’s not a good habit. Because I do read some European stock blogs.

This is a really good one. You’ll enjoy it.

And now’s a good time for Americans – and other non-Europeans – to catch up on their knowledge of companies on the continent producing most of today’s scariest finance headlines.

One of the best European stock blogs is called Value and OpportunityCheck it out.


Distressed Debt Investing: A Bond Blog Every Stock Investor Should Read

I love this blog. It really is about distressed debt investing. If that sounds outside your circle of competence, nobody said you have to buy anything you read about here. But there’s a lot to learn from.

If you aren’t reading this blog, give it a try.

You’ll learn a lot. About distressed debt. And about investing.

Check out Distressed Debt Investing.
